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Abbotsbury Primary

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Nurturing Excellence

Welcome to
Abbotsbury Primary

Welcome to the Abbotsbury Primary School and thank you for taking an interest in our school.

I am very proud to be headteacher of this inclusive and happy two-form primary school, which has excellent provision for 3 to 11 year olds and enjoys a very diverse community. We ensure that the children are at the centre of all that we do and we care for their wider development: emotional well-being, social development and physical abilities, as well as academic achievements.

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  • We are proud to be a part of our local community, benefiting from its diversity and resources and contributing to them.
  • At Abbotsbury every child really does matter and our aims are to:
  • · Create a happy, welcoming school environment where children feel motivated to learn and can achieve.
  • · Provide a broad, balanced and creative curriculum matched to the needs of the individual child.
  • · Develop children’s self-confidence, independence and sense of personal responsibility.
  • · Create a positive atmosphere, where everyone is courteous and respectful towards each other.
  • · Value the contribution made by all members of the school community – pupils, staff, parents, families and governors.
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Aims & Ethos